Set, Go…Fly

the Godfather
4 min readMay 23, 2022

A story I keep telling myself and why I can’t get it is simple; I had a faulty laptop and I didn’t have a smart phone. Excuses won’t make me great and I have lived to acknowledge that.

What good is there when a software developer does not have the right tools to work with. It can be tiring and discouraging especially when you find yourself in a position where finances are tight and no one around is able to help. So you wait it out. You let time be your ally and pray something good happens because surely, something does happen! So exercise patience.

I have been on a self Improvement Journey which led to me starting my professional life as a Software Developer. After joining a bootcamp at CodeTrain and going through the program, I got a certificate on 7th May 2021. It has been a Year now and the experiences have been on both extreme ends of Enthusiasm and Depression.

One lesson I have picked from what I am going through is the fact that it is always not about what the achievement is but sometimes how hard we try also matters. I was not so confident in my skills so I decided to work on personal projects. Projects are essential because they are the ultimate method for ensuring that your theoretical understanding aligns with how the programming concepts and techniques actually operate.

I could get better with effort and persistence. The mistake I think I made was not allowing myself to apply for jobs.

It takes a few years to learn enough to be worth employing and a few more years than that to actually earn those high salaries. That is a truth but that shouldn’t stop you from applying to jobs regardless on whether you’re confident in your skills or not. Take the risk. You can learn on the job. Have Faith in yourself!

This led to me to sending applications to companies looking to hire. After three months at home trying to code on a broken laptop which I was hoping to fix, I got to land an internship for a Startup. My heart was overjoyed. This was a chance to prove myself and see what life had in store.

For three months, I juggled between working from home and going to the new office. The project I was working on was a complex one even though the team of developers I met at the startup were brilliant. Unfortunately, we were not able to complete the project within the time frame so that led to dissolving the team and everyone going their separate ways.

That can be heavy on your heart if you’re a person that cannot stand not completing a project. It led to me going back into my shell feeling incapable.

Fast forward to the beginning of the year 2022 and I am trying hard battling Impostor Syndrome. I am looking to land a well paying day job as a software developer and I am exploring what it means to be a digital nomad. To take my mind off the code and sitting behind my laptop for hours, I took to travelling inland to tourist sites in Ghana. I got to climb the tallest mountain in the country and I took a shower under the highest waterfall in Ghana.

Wli Waterfalls, Devlifefly 21

I have found the heart to start applying for jobs again. My sister helped me work on my resume after I realized I was getting too many rejection emails. This time around I am not afraid or less confident.

My Parents, God bless them, assisted me financially to fix my laptop and I got a new iphone alongside. All is in order to build and to create and watch my desires manifest in real life. Perhaps climb Mt Kilimanjaro or visit Jamaica. So many places to explore! I just know I have to become one of the top rated software developers in the world!

The World is ours for the taking!

I will be writing more about the experiences and learning of my work life so follow me for weekly blogposts. #DevlifeFly

Need a Top Rated Web Development Freelancer to chop away your development woes? Contact me on Upwork.

Want to see what I am working on? Check out my Personal Website and Github.

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